Thursday Jul 27, 2023

Fully Booked EP80: The Collaborative Process of Working With Illustrators

In this episode of Fully Booked, Craig and Roland explore the challenges of creating illustrated books with award winning children’s author Terrel - one half of the mother/daughter partnership  behind the enchanting children's series "Once Upon a Dance." 


Terrel brings her stories to life through the collaboration with illustrators from all corners of the globe, guiding them as they craft mesmerizing covers and interior designs for her movement-inspired tales. From the inception of the series to the challenges of finding the perfect illustrators to work with, Terrel takes us through the entire process of meeting deadlines, navigating differing working and creative styles, and the importance of having clear contracts that cover all aspects of development. She also shares valuable insights into the interpersonal intricacies of working with illustrators, offering tips on finding the right people to work with and managing their production workflow. 


For authors looking to start working on illustrated books, this episode will be hugely valuable in helping to understand all that's involved in creating heartwarming illustrated tales filled with creativity and wonder with the fewest number of headaches! 

Terrel at Once Upon a Dance


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